Case Study

FINCA EXPRESS Tanzania – Mobilizing Savings Through Agency Banking

A case study in digital finance for microfinance practitioners

The Digital Financial Services (DFS) landscape has developed very rapidly in Tanzania. In 2008 there were just two non-bank e-money issuers. The sector has now grown to include the four leading MNOs as Mobile Money providers and 14 banks offering digital financial services such as CRDB, NMB and Eco Bank who have developed their own agent network.

FINCA Tanzania was established in 1998 as a member of FINCA international, which operates subsidiaries in 23 countries in developing markets. FINCA Tanzania aims “to provide financial services to the world's lowest-income entrepreneurs so that they can create jobs, build assets and improve their standard of living”.

FINCA Express is the brand name of FINCA Tanzania’s Agency Banking. This case study outlines the work of the agency and its efforts to increase savings and reduce transaction costs for its customers.