
2014 Microfinance Americas: The Top 100

The annual ranking of the leading microfinance institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean
For the tenth consecutive year, the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) and the Microfinance Information Exchange, Inc. (MIX) present the annual ranking of the leading microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Latin America and the Caribbean. The sample consists of 229 MFIs whose performance information at the end of financial year 2013 was compiled and analyzed by specialists in the field, in addition to being supported by auditors, government regulators, microfinance networks, rating agencies and other independent sources.
The ranking is calculated based on the percentile rank of each of the indicators that comprise the three “pillars”: outreach, efficiency and transparency. Only Financial Services Providers (FSP) that meet the following conditions are included:
  • More than 5,000 active loans;
  • Positive return on assets in 2013 as well as in one of the two previous years (2011 or 2012, but not both necessarily);
  • Manage a microenterprise lending portfolio.

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