
Chemen Lavi Miyo Midterm Evaluation - Summary of Results

Examining outcomes and project implementation from members'’ perspective
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This paper evaluates Fonkozes' Chemin Levi Miyo Program (CLM) that was designed as an intervention to tackle extreme poverty in Haiti. The evaluation also formulates recommendations for the program.Haiti faces extreme poverty with 49 percent earning below US$ 1 per day. In response to Haiti's complex set of deprivations, Fonkoze initiated a multi-pronged livelihoods protection and promotion scheme designed to provide extremely poor, rural women with assets for entrepreneurial use, enterprise training, health services, housing support, a consumption stipend and social links with village elite, facilitated by the close support of a CLM case-manager. The evaluation uses quantitative and qualitative methods. It focuses on understanding the process of project implementation, measuring the outcomes achieved on a range of indicators and relating the outcomes achieved to the project processes. Results indicate that:

  • CLM is successful in reaching its extreme poor target group;
  • Methodology is achieving desired impact on multiple dimensions of poverty;
  • Severe child malnutrition was eradicated in two areas, and significantly decreased in the third area;
  • About 45 percent increased overall food consumption, about 20 percent reduced food consumption, and 35 percent experienced no change.

About this Publication

By Huda, K., Simanowitz, A.