
Closing the Gender Gap: Opportunities for the Women’s Mobile Financial Services Market in Bangladesh

Findings from quantitative survey of 4000 women on mobile financial services
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Bangladesh’s financial sector has undergone rapid growth and has embraced technology solutions to improve the financial inclusion of the general population. However, certain segments remain disproportionately unbanked and financial inclusion for women and rural populations remains a challenge. Given such constraints and high mobile penetration, mobile financial services (MFS) can be a powerful catalyst to bridge the gap between financial institutions and those with fewer financial means or access to bank branches.

This report contains extensive, in-depth research to understand the needs and requirements of women MFS users. The data in the report was collected through a quantitative survey among 2000 female MFS users and 2000 female non-users across Bangladesh in 2016. The findings highlight the opportunities, problems, and challenges related to the financial inclusion of women through MFS adoption in the country.

The report consists of three distinct divisions:

  1. The women MFS market’s potential in Bangladesh. This division provides an extensive set of market data and analysis on overall women’s market potential, and projected growth.
  2. Product preferences of female MFS users in Bangladesh. This division identifies MFS product features that will appeal to women, and different segments of women users’ product preferences.
  3. Market assessment for female agent acquisition. This division offers a roadmap to help MFS providers build and expand a network of female agents.

About this Publication

By Prabir Barooah, Samveet Sahoo, Sunil Bhat, Denny George