Case Study

Microfinance Associations: The Case of the Association of Microfinance Institutions Ethiopia (AEMFI)

How can AEMFI help the micro finance sector in Ethiopia?
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Tracing the evolution of micro finance institutions (MFIs) in Ethiopia, this paper discusses the Association of Microfinance Institutions Ethiopia (AEMFI). AEMFI was formed in June 1999 crystallizing attempts to unify MFIs. Its services include:

  • Coordinating training;
  • Improving management systems;
  • Conducting research and organizing workshops and conferences;
  • Organizing experience sharing visits;
  • Monitoring performance and database;
  • Maintaining resource centre;
  • Promoting industry and publication;
  • Lobbying, administrating and fund raising.

In addition, AEMFI hopes to provide the following services in the future:

  • Mobilizing loan and equity funds for MFIs;
  • Providing internet forum;
  • Establishing a network of networks;
  • Instituting environmental safeguard policy.

The paper concludes with observations on roles that AEMFI needs to assume for greater success in future. These include:

  • Representing the entire microfinance sector including cooperatives;
  • Moving towards self sustainability;
  • Cooperating and collaborating with donors;
  • Strengthening organizational structure and culture.

About this Publication

By Al-Baghdadi, H., Bruntrup, M.