
Post-Earthquake Recovery in Haiti: The Challenges Ahead

Discussing challenges facing Haiti’s long-term recovery
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This paper offers insights on identifying key initiatives in emergency response, recovery and risk reduction stages of the disaster in Haiti.

The paper draws lessons from previous major disasters, and introduces the Disaster Risk Management Cycle (DRMC) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) diagrams that map the different elements of disaster management and the different initiatives that local and international stakeholders can implement in the face of a major disaster. The paper states that:

  • International community must draw lessons from past major disasters from sources such as the Tsunami Evaluation Coalition reports, Myanmar/Burma Post-disaster Assessments and the Indonesian ACARP social study report;
  • DRMC and DRR diagrams are useful tools to assist humanitarian practitioners and stakeholders in understanding key components of a post-disaster scenario;
  • Range of complementary DRR initiatives will be required to contribute to building back.

Finally, the paper states that the major challenge facing international stakeholders is supporting and building the capacity of local communities, organizations and government departments rather than taking over the reins of the recovery process.

About this Publication

By Piper, C.