
Savings Count: Trends in Access, Use and the Ecosystem of Savings in Sub-Saharan Africa

Making the case for putting savings at the heart of the financial inclusion agenda

This report provides a comprehensive account of the state of access to and use of savings in Sub-Saharan Africa. Based on a detailed review of current literature and data, the key message of this report is that savings should be promoted more prominently and more explicitly within the broader financial inclusion agenda.

The report provides insights that support the case for placing access to suitable savings products at the heart of the financial inclusion agenda. Summaries and links to relevant data are provided in the report, which will be of interest to investors, donors, policy makers and regulators. The report also aims to assist financial service providers by providing an overview of market potential, client needs, and the current state of supply in the region.

About this Publication

By Diana Dezso, James Robinson, Nisha Singh