All Publications

Showing 7721 - 7730 of 9053

Microfinance as a Vehicle for Educating the Poor

Highlighting the importance of integrating financial and non-financial services

Microfinance: Building the Capacities of the Poor to Participate in the Larger Economy

What constitutes broad based and inclusive microfinance?

Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean

Exploring the large remittance market in Latin American and the Caribbean
Case Study

Responding to Financial Crisis: Better Off Without the IMF? The Case of Jamaica

Lesson's from Jamaica’s management of its financial crisis in the 1990s for developing countries

A Field Study of Microinsurance in the Philippines

Can microfinance institutions deliver microinsurance to the informal sector cost-effectively?
Guide / Toolkit

A Guide to Gender Sensitive Microfinance

Examining methodologies for integrating gender mainstreaming into microfinance initiatives/programs

A Symposium on Savings-Led Microfinance and the Rural Poor

How to Increase the outreach of microfinance programs?
Case Study

ABN AMRO's Real Microcredito: A Multinational Bank's Entry into the Micro-credit Market

Providing credit services to small businesses