All Publications

Showing 7821 - 7830 of 9053
Case Study

Microfinance in Post Communist Countries: The Case of Poland

Exploring development of microfinance in transition countries

Microfinance In Yemen

Has microfinance succeeded in Yemen?

Microfinance Institutions and Public Policy

What is the appropriate support level, form, and regulation options for microfinance institutions?

Microfinance Policies and Agricultural Policies: Synergies and Divergences

How are policies for agriculture and microfinance related?

Microfinance Regulation and Supervision in Zambia

Is it a good time to bring in microfinance regulation in Zambia?

Microfinance Regulation in Developing Countries: A Comparative Review of Current Practice

Comparative analysis of legal and regulatory frameworks for microfinance

Microfinance Revolution: Lessons from Indonesia (Volume 2)

What can we learn from Indonesia's experience in microfinance?