التثقيف المالي في البلدان العربية

إن الطلب الكبير على محو الأمية المالية والتدريب على ريادة الأعمال و بشكل خاص للشباب والنساء العاطلين عن العمل في المنطقة العربية مقيّد بعدم إمكانية الحصول على الخدمات المالية و التثقيف المالي بشكل كاف. ولأن التثقيف المالي يقوم بتعليم كيفية الحصول على المنتجات المالية الرسمية المناسبة وكيفية استخدامها بشكل ملائم، فإن ذلك يتيح الفرصة للفئات المحرومة المستهدفة بأن يتم شمولها ماليا في الاقتصاد الرسمي. وفي السنوات الأخيرة، تم تحفيز مجموعة كبيرة من المبادرات المحلية للتثقيف المالي، إلا أنه قد تم تبادل القليل من المعرفة فيما بين البلدان. ولسد هذه الفجوة المعرفية، قام صندوق النقد العربي بالشراكة مع الوكالة الألمانية للتعاون الدولي وبدعم من البنوك المركزية العربية بتقييم عام للمبادرات المختلفة من أجل استخلاص المعلومات من التجارب الثرية وربط الجهود الفردية من خلال المشاركة بأفضل الممارسات الناشئة والدروس المستفادة عبر المنطقة العربية.
وقد تم القيام ببحث موسع يستند إلى استعراض الكتابات المتعلقة بالموضوع، وإجراء مقابلات مع الأطراف المعنية، وتحليل جانب الطلب، وأطر السياسات العامة، والأدلة الحديثة، مما نتج عنه تجميع ما يزيد عن 100 مبادرة والتي قد تم تنفيذها على المستوى الوطني والإقليمي في كل من الجزائر ومصر والأردن و لبنان والمغرب وفلسطين وتونس واليمن.
ونتيجة لذلك، ظهرت بشكل واضح أوجه التشابه والتباين بين الوضع العام للدول والأنشطة المتعلقة بالتثقيف المالي، والتي من الممكن أن تشجع أصحاب المصلحة من القطاعين العام والخاص وكذلك إشراك الجهات الدولية المانحة، وذلك من أجل تحسين المساهمات بما يتماشى مع الاحتياجات الوطنية المحددة، وكذلك التوسع في الائتلافات الإستراتيجية على المستوى الإقليمي. التقريرالكامل متوفر بالإنجليزية وفيما يلي النتائج الرئيسية.
النتائج الرئيسية:
- من بين ما يزيد عن 100 مبادرة تم إطلاقها مؤخرا في الدول التي شملها البحث، حوالي 15% منها تم تنفيذها على المستوى الإقليمي. ومن أمثلة الجهود الإقليمية ما تقوم به كل من مركز المرأة العربية للتدريب و البحوث (كوثر) و إنجاز العرب والمبادرة الإقليمية لمدخرات الشباب.
- و من بين الدول الثمانية التي خضعت للمراجعة، فقد قامت المغرب بالمشاركة في معظم أنشطة التثقيف المالي، وبشكل أدق بنسبة 20% من جميع المبادرات الوطنية. وقد تبعتها لبنان ثم مصر وفلسطين بنسبة من 15% إلى 16%، في حين أن بالجزائر يوجد فقط 5% و هو ما أمكن تحديده حتى الآن، مما يبرهن على وجود تباين كبير في نسب مشاركات الدول.
- لقد استطاع التثقيف المالي في مصر الوصول إلى ما يزيد عن 2 مليون مستفيد، في حين أنه قد وصل إلى ما يزيد عن 1.2 مليون مستفيد في فلسطين، وفي اليمن وصل إلى ما يزيد عن نصف مليون مستفيد.
- The largest project implemented was the Expanded and Sustainable Access to Financial Services Program in the West Bank and Gaza, which was implemented by the United States Agency for International Development over a three-year period at a cost of $ 36 million.
- Next to the US Agency for International Development, the largest international donors to these initiatives were: the World Bank, the United Nations, the German International Cooperation Agency, the European Union, the City Foundation, and the MasterCard Foundation.
Financial education content varies by target group
Almost 51% of the initiatives target young people and young entrepreneurs in order to create new economic opportunities, especially among the younger generations. Although the unemployment rate for young people aged 15 to 24 years is 29.7%, the opinion of the Arab youth opinion For the year 2015, it has been shown that 40% of Arab youth have ambition to start projects of their own within the next five years, but they do not find affordable funds and they do not find better ways to obtain education and training. In recognition of the size of this demand, most initiatives directed at young people over the age of 18 have consistently linked the content of financial education with the ability to work and entrepreneurship to educated youth in cities and urban areas, while initiatives targeting young people under the age of 18 have focused on generating savings. This, and the impact of recent initiatives can be easily measured by the large number of children who have been reached across the region; for example by initiatives targeting schoolchildren such as Global Money Week and Plato Organization. On the other hand, measurable results have proven that young people over the age of 18 in terms of knowledge and behavior change have a higher proportion of the labor market outcomes such as employment and income levels. This is partly due to the difficulty in measuring long-term labor market outcomes. This information may be useful when designing programs by age and culture while taking advantage of impact expectations, despite the belief that this target group of young people is associated with the highest rates of success.
As for the other target groups, an estimated 38% of initiatives focus on microfinance clients, 27% focus on women, and 6% focus on refugees or migrants. According to the 2015 Global Literacy Survey Report , the financial inclusion of women is extremely important as the countries subject to the review are characterized by a high gender gap of 8% of the points compared to the ratio in the entire Arab region of 7% of the points and the global percentage of 5% of the points. According to the McKinsey Global Institute report For September 2015, bridging the gender gap in the Arab region by integrating women into the formal labor market would add 47% to annual GDP by 2025. Women resort to the informal sector not only for work but also for Borrowing from informal lenders. Although it officially constitutes only 10% to 25% of bank customers and they are 15% less than men in obtaining a bank account at an official financial institution, it has become clear that women are 16% more than men in saving for future expenses, as well When investigating the needs of women informally and therefore not visible to the statistics, it became clear that women want more information than men, as they need more time to make decisions, establish a more conservative balance between risks and gains and implement different financial strategies to achieve the goals . My experiences are from An evaluation of the impact of the Ishraq program in Egypt indicates that programs designed to target behavioral change by enhancing confidence and demystifying the complex patterns of societal role that precede mere knowledge and financial information show a higher impact on women's behavioral changes.
Work at the general policy and societal level
The methodology for developing a unified strategy for financial education that promotes sustainable cooperation among stakeholders, and coordination in the development and implementation of activities specifically designed for target groups by setting realistic and measurable targets that are based on an assessment of national needs. There are different levels among countries, as shown in the following table, which monitors the situation at the end of 2016.
Both Morocco and Jordan have adopted national strategies for financial education in line with their financial inclusion strategies, and have started to undertake planned initiatives such as radio campaigns to raise awareness and introduce financial education into school curricula. While Morocco created an independent body, the Moroccan Association for Financial Culture, to implement its own business plan, Jordan has chosen a non-profit organization to act as its executive agent, which is an achievement organization. As for other countries such as Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia and Palestine, they faced some challenges in the beginning, including determining the responsible party, providing the necessary financing and incentives for long-term commitment, and moving to the operational phase. At the present time, there is no information to show that Algeria is planning to adopt such a strategy, and activities in Yemen have been suspended due to the crisis in the country.
At the same time, we find that the various initiatives that are taking place at the community level are flourishing and the stakeholders are currently reaping the benefits. For example, commercial banks in Lebanon are generating substantial commercial returns from women's empowerment initiatives, and microfinance institutions in Tunisia have realized the value of financial education programs in order to reduce the risk of default and attract new clients and their portfolios have improved at the same time as they maintain their social responsibility.
These were some of the main findings of the study, but the report includes more comparative analysis between countries regarding design, costs, time period, the most efficient tools and the best technological tools for more than 100 initiatives. More information on the national position on financial education related to the current policy frameworks and needs assessment can be found in addition to extensive general studies on the region, conferences and recommendations related to the untapped potential of Arab postal networks, which provides an opportunity to review an overview and general evaluation in order to make strategic contributions. Accurate in the Arab region.