Impact Pathfinder: How Does Financial Inclusion Contribute to Development?

CGAP has recently launched the Impact Pathfinder, a new interactive platform that makes financial inclusion evidence easy to access and apply. Drawing from over 600 studies, the platform offers a powerful lens into how financial services shape key development outcomes. With an AI chatbot and direct links to original studies, the Impact Pathfinder gives public and private sector decision-makers the knowledge they need to turn evidence into action and advance their specific goals.
Wondering how this can support your work in financial inclusion? Join our webinar to hear key stakeholders discuss how CGAP’s new interactive platform helps you better understand and apply financial inclusion evidence.
Additional speaker information coming soon!
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Speaker Bios

Sophie Sirtaine
Sophie Sirtaine is the CEO of CGAP. She has dedicated her professional career to the development of inclusive and sustainable financial ecosystems around the world, with more than twenty years of experience at the World Bank, where she has held different positions, including Director of Strategy and Operations at the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) and Director for the Caribbean region. Previously, Sophie worked as an expert in financial sector development and stability in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.