Showing 1 - 10 of 17 results
Her Resilience in the Face of COVID-19
A data deep dive into the customer base of two financial service providers engaging with low-income women
The Role of Microfinance in Women's Empowerment: A Study on the SHG Bank Linkage Program in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
Examining the role of microfinance in women's empowerment
Microfinance and Women's Empowerment: Do Relationships Between Women Matter? Lessons from Rural Southern India
Understanding women’s perspectives on empowerment through microfinance
Poor Women and their Money: Between Daily Survival, Private Life, Family Obligations and Social Norms
Understanding the complexity and diversity of women's informal financial practices
Micro Pension for Informal Sector Women Workers
Providing pension for women workers
Spending, Saving and Borrowing: Perceptions and Experiences of Girls in Gujarat
This paper studies savings patterns, including barriers and control over savings in Gujarat, India
Entrepreneurship and Rural Women: Capacity-building for Market Reach and Poverty Alleviation in a Remote Region of Western India
Proceeds from "4th International Conference on Entrepreneurship Employment and Beyond", 2005
Micro Finance and Empowerment of Scheduled Caste Women: An Impact Study of SHGs in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal
How do scheduled caste women benefit from SHG membership?
Performance Analysis of Fisherwomen Self Help Groups in Tamil Nadu
Examining the impact of microfinance on fisherwomen's lives in India
Scaling Up Kudumbashree: Collective Action for Poverty Alleviation and Women's Empowerment
Is decentralization successful in poverty alleviation?