Showing 1 - 6 of 6 results
Women in Rural Micro Finance Programme in the Western Hills of Nepal: Reflection from Sahakarya Project Area
Paper presented at the Microfinance Summit, February 14-16, 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal
Pact's WORTH Model: A Savings-led Approach to Economic Security and Combating HIV/AIDS
How can participant-owned village banking help women address problems like HIV/AIDS?
Impact Evaluation of PACT's Women's Empowerment Program in Nepal: A Savings and Literacy Led Alternative to Financial Institution Building
Strengthening capacity of savings and credit groups
Pact's Women's Empowerment Program in Nepal: A Savings and Literacy Led Alternative to Financial Institution Building
How to transfer self-help groups?
Governing Development: Neoliberalism, Microcredit, and Rational Economic Woman
Impact of microcredit initiatives on poverty reduction and gender inequality
Study to Determine the Special Needs of Women in the Micro-enterprise Development Sector
Increasing women's participation in microenterprise development