
2008 Transversal Analysis of MFI Performance in Africa: Second Edition

External performance evaluation and rating of MFIs
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This study was commissioned by the African Microfinance Transparency (AMT). It is based on data from rating reports produced for AMT members as well as rating reports of several non-member African MFIs.


The study draws conclusions on characteristics of African MFIs and microfinance sector in the region. Findings indicate that:


  • MFI s have managed to maintain their portfolio quality despite the emerging trend of individual lending;
  • Net profit margin of sample MFIs is negative, but it has improved over the last three years and is almost at the threshold of profitability;
  • Despite overall decrease in operational expenses, cost per borrower has increased due to the development of sophisticated products and increase in average loan size;
  • MFIs need to leverage capital continues to increase in order to fund loan portfolio growth;
  • MFIs demonstrate a greater tendency to seek external funding rather than to collect savings, even though savings mobilization is improving and remains important.


The analysis shows that African MFI s are becoming more mature and professional, and have a better grasp of their loan portfolios and operational costs.

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