
Guidelines on Outcomes Management for Financial Service Providers

Key Terms and 10 STEPS for Practical, Cost-effective, Outcomes Management

Following on from the brief Making the Case for Outcomes Management to Financial Service Providers, which presented the "why" and the "what for" of outcomes management, these guidelines set out the "how": how to do outcomes management in a practical, credible, "reasonable cost" way. The guidance is founded on lessons learned from a number of financial service providers (FSPs) and other stakeholders who have experience with outcomes data collection, analysis, and reporting. The information presented here draws on best practice so far, with a focus on identifying what is necessary and useful, as well as the pitfalls to avoid.

These guidelines are intended for FSPs and stakeholders who work with FSPs who are considering whether to include outcomes management as part of their systems for social performance management; or who already are tracking outcomes, and are interested in ways to improve the efficiency and quality of their data.

About this Publication

By Sinha, F.