
Study of the Incidence and Nature of Chronic Poverty and Development Policy in South Africa: An Overview

Summarising the current state of knowledge about chronic poverty in South Africa

This study aims to understand chronic poverty in South Africa through literature review on poverty. The study also provides an overview of anti-poverty measures of government and civil society and speculates on its impact on the chronically poor.

The study, thereby:

  • Summarizes the current state of knowledge about chronic poverty in South Africa;
  • Describes the range of existing governmental and civil society initiatives which address chronic poverty;
  • Identifies challenges to addressing chronic poverty in South Africa;
  • Identifies themes for further research.

Further, the study lists the challenges faced by government and civil society to address chronic poverty:

  • The absence of a coherent anti-poverty strategy;
  • Prevalent unemployment and uncertainty on improving support to the microenterprise sector;
  • The HIV/AIDS epidemic as a factor causing chronic poverty over the next 15 years.

Finally, the paper identifies nine themes for further research on chronic poverty:

  • Dynamic aspects of multiple livelihood strategies;
  • Role of social security grants;
  • Access to and effects of government and civil society programs;
  • The impact of government-funded income generation projects;
  • Role of land, tenure patterns, and agriculture;
  • Consequences of dislocation, internal migration, and social capital;
  • The effect of HIV/AIDS on households and communities;
  • Extrapolation to the question of inter-generational poverty;
  • The political economy of poverty and development policy in South Africa.

About this Publication

By Aliber, M.