After Two-Year Hiatus, AFI Working Groups Meet in Person in Ecuador
Co-hosted with Superintendencia de Economia Popular y Solidaria (SEPS), AFI is holding its first in-person working group meetings from 9 – 12 May 2022. Smiling, meeting and greeting each other after two years, over 50 members of AFI’s Financial Inclusion Strategy Peer Learning Group (FISPLG) and Inclusive Green Finance Working Group (IGFWG) from around the world have travelled to Quito, Ecuador to take part in the meetings.
With the global economy still in recovery from the pandemic, AFI members are intensifying efforts to accelerate effective, targeted and sustainable financial inclusion policy and regulatory solutions. Last week saw the launching of the three knowledge products by FISPLG as well as the Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) Guidelines by SEPS, developed as part of AFI’s in-country implementation (ICI) program.