
Qualitative Impact Study of Credit with Education in Burkina Faso

Studying the impact of the credit with education program in Burkina Faso

Credit with Education in Burkina Faso was implemented by the Federation des Caisses Populaires du Burkina in partnership with Freedom from Hunger.

This qualitative study:

  • Investigates and documents programme effects for participants and programme communities after two years of activities;
  • Details how women are using their loans and how access to credit has changed their income-generating activities;
  • Reveals that access to the credit and savings services have a positive impact on women's businesses, earnings, and economic capacity;
  • Shows that the scale of women's income-generating activity has increased for virtually all participants.

On the whole, women reported using their increased profits for purposes in harmony with programme objectives:

  • Improving the quantity and quality of food purchased and consumed;
  • Covering school expenses for their children;
  • Investing in productive tools;
  • Buying cloth for themselves.

About this Publication

By Kevane, M.