
Identifying Good Social Performance Management Practices

Focusing on three of the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management

In terms of implementing SPM in the microfinance industry in Pakistan, several MFPs have made efforts to build their internal capacity to define and monitor social goals. Practitioners across peer groups have become increasingly sensitive to measuring social impact and cognizant of the need to be able to state emphatically the role that microfinance interventions have played in lives of their clients. Reporting on SP has been strong in the industry, with an increasing number of practitioners reporting annually to the MIX Market on social indicators. Several MFPs have also made efforts to mainstream a standard poverty measurement tool within their operations, refine their product development processes and improve practices in client protection.

This Note will highlight some of the existing best practices in the industry with regards to particular sections of the USSPM. The tools and practices presented in the succeeding sections pertain to the efforts of various MFPs in Pakistan vis-à-vis building USSPM compliance. The Note will focus on three of the six sections of the USSPM: Section 2 ‘ Ensuring Board, Management and Employee Commitment to Social Goals ’, Section 3 ‘ Treating Clients Responsibly ’ and Section 4 ‘ Design Products, Services, Delivery Models and Chan- nels That Meet Clients’ Needs and Preferences'.

About this Publication

By Ali, K., Khalid, Z.