Microfinance India: State of the Sector Report 2013
This report is an annual publication which quantifies the growth and performance of Indian microfinance sector. It aims at documenting recent developments, analyzing critical issues, and identifying policy choices with the overall objective of deepening the understanding of the microfinance sector in India. The report makes available the latest statistical data on growth, performance, and expansion of the sector across regions and population segments across the country. It provides a thorough review of the operational climate in the sector and the recent innovations in the realm of products, services, and processes. The report examines the working of the business correspondent (BC) model with a reference to the trends in self-help groups (SHGs) and MFIs acting as BCs. It also discusses the role of technology as a prime driver of financial inclusion in the country. Specifically, the report attempts to:
- Unravel the major patterns of change within three major legal-organizational forms – SHGs for profit microfinance companies, and non-profit microfinance organizations;
- Explain the relationship among the major channels of microfinance, and between them and the other system players (banks, investors, government, and the central bank);
- Review the main facets of the recent policy and regulatory changes that have a bearing on financial inclusion in general and microfinance in particular.