
The Global COVID-19 Fintech Regulatory Rapid Assessment Study

Assessing how central banks and other financial regulators are responding to the challenges of COVID-19

Between June and August 2020, the joint World Bank and CCAF research team surveyed 118 central banks and other financial regulatory authorities from 114 jurisdictions. 66 percent of surveyed regulators are from emerging market and developing economies. This represents one of the largest empirical studies to date on the impact of COVID-19 regarding the regulation and supervision of fintech, as well as related regulatory innovation initiatives.

The study finds that regulators are responding to the challenges of COVID-19 and increasing digitalization of financial services by taking both sector-wide and, to a lesser extent, fintech specific regulatory measures, as well as accelerating the pace of regulatory innovation initiatives.

About this Publication

By Philip Rowan, Margaret Miller, Bryan Zhang, Sharmista Appaya, Sarah Ombija, Aleem Mubarak Tejani, Dea Markova, Daphnée Papiasse, Herman Smit, Thomas Ward