Impact Evaluation of Credit Guarantee Schemes in Agriculture
While a considerable amount of literature has been produced in the past decades on the overall experience of using partial credit guarantee schemes (PCGS) to overcome the credit gap in developing agriculture, what is still lacking nowadays is a structured and rigorous empirical evidence demonstrating the concrete impact of PCGS specifically established to unlock financing for agricultural SMEs. Most case studies available today only provide a descriptive analysis of the results, constraints and features of agriculture-specific PCGS, while lacking an impact evaluation approach (either fully experimental or quasi/non-experimental) whose findings could also be used to properly inform the design of future facilities and related policies.
This study has been developed to assist in overcoming the current gap in empirical data on the impact of agricultural PCGS, by providing interested readers (whether policymakers, the academia, development agencies, or other stakeholders) with key information on technical and operational aspects of impact evaluations of credit guarantee schemes in agriculture, as well as recommendations on the feasibility of carrying out such evaluations with the aim of generating evidence on a more systematic basis. The hope is that public stakeholders interested in carrying out a proper impact evaluation of an agriculture-focused guarantee scheme can use the materials provided by this publication as a reference point for their work.