National Microfinance Strategies
Exploring benefits and challenges of developing country-level microfinance strategies
4 pages
This document explores the recent trend of countries developing national microfinance strategies (NMS). It suggests that heightened visibility and new development modalities that favor sector-wide approaches and policy work are fueling this trend. The paper states that:
- NMS are publicly approved documents, developed through a consultative process, aimed at increasing poor people's access to finance;
- Stages in NMS development include a diagnostic analysis of the microfinance sector, consultations with stakeholders, drafting the document and implementing the strategy;
- Benefits of NMS are improved dialogue, increased knowledge of the sector and commitment to good practices;
- Challenges comprise weak diagnostics, isolation from broader financial sector, inadequate government leadership and unrealistic action plans.
In conclusion, the paper offers suggestions to donors on NMS development. These include:
- Investing in comprehensive sector diagnostics;
- Analyzing the political climate;
- Ensuring local ownership;
- Evaluating results and being open to changing course.
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