
2009 Microfinance Americas: The Top 100

Ranking MFIs on outreach, efficiency and transparency
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This document published by the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank and the Microfinance Information eXchange, Inc. (MIX) presents a ranking of America’s leading MFIs for 2008.

The report is based on a survey of 229 MFIs by MIX. The study collected and analyzed data from auditors, regulatory agencies, risk-ranking agencies, and other independent sources to report on MFI performance. Findings indicate that, in 2008:

  • MFIs managed USD 14.7 billion, channeled through more than 13.4 million products and loans for low-income clients in 18 countries in the region;
  • Microenterprise lending grew 20.9%, for a total of USD7.9 billion distributed in 8.2 million loans.

The report uses a ranking based on the methodology established by the MIX Global 100 Composite. It uses outreach, efficiency, and transparency as three pillars that indicate performance. Each MFI obtains a certain score by combining the indicators that comprise each pillar. Top performance implies maximizing results in different areas by improving outreach, minimizing risk, reducing costs, and improving returns.

About this Publication

By Martínez, R., Rondón, M.C., Valencia, A.