
Azerbaijan Benchmarking Report 2004

Analyzing performance of microfinance in Azerbaijan
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This report analyzes and compares MFIs in Azerbaijan based on their performance and the drivers in a global/regional context. The paper traces the historical evolution of microfinance and highlights the rapid changes the microfinance sector is undergoing.The paper elaborates the performance analysis of MFIs based on institutional indicators, outreach indicators and financing structure. It examines the financial performance based on:

  • Revenue;
  • Expenses;
  • Efficiency;
  • Productivity;
  • Risk and liquidity.

The paper concludes by highlighting important characteristics of Azerbaijans microfinance sector, which are:

  • Focus on rural areas;
  • Two target groups low-income and SME clients;
  • Primarily equity funded;
  • Effective Board and efficient group lending methodology;
  • Good portfolio quality.

About this Publication

By Hajiyeva, J., Gaul, S.