Displaying 1 - 10 of 14
Case Study

Rural Finance Outreach in Central Malawi: Implications for Opportunity International Bank of Malawi

Evaluating rural finance outreach strategies in Malawi
Case Study

Same Ends, Different Means: The Role of Social Networks in Shaping M-PESA Use

Examining embeddedness of M-PESA in social networks
Case Study

Can Health Microinsurance Protect the Poor?

Studying a client-managed health insurance model in Pune, India

Cash In, Cash Out Kenya: The Role of M-PESA in the Lives of Low Income People

How do low-income people use M-PESA?

Useful Lump Sums: Microenterprise Revenue Management and its Potential for Banks

Resolving the mismatch between cash in and cash out for microentrepreneurs in Malawi

Convenience Reconsidered: Some Findings on Formal vs. Informal Financial Services from the Financial Diaries

Examining the convenience factor of a branchless banking innovation in Malawi

Microfinance & Gender: Some Findings from the Financial Diaries in Malawi

Identifying gender-specific financial behaviour in Malawi

Not Just for a Rainy Day: Some Findings on the Role of Savings from the Financial Diaries in Malawi

Exploring the role of savings in the lives of the poor in Malawi
Case Study

A Fine Balance: A Case Study of the Client Value of Health Microinsurance— – Uplift I.A.

Assessing the benefits of a health microinsurance initiative in Pune, India