Displaying 21 - 30 of 239

IFC and National Bank of Samoa to Boost SME Finance to Support Entrepreneurs and Create Jobs

International Finance Corporation will invest up to $4 million equivalent in Samoan Tala to boost access to finance for small and medium enterprises particularly women-led businesses and SMEs focused on agriculture.


IFC and Philippine Central Bank Pave the Way for Banking Transformation With Launch of Open Finance PH Pilot

This initiative aims to help the unbanked—particularly those who lack documentation—build a financial profile and credit history and, over time, access loans and other services that were once out of reach.


IFC Launches Women’s Economic Empowerment Program in Tanzania

Anaweza: She Can, launched by IFC, is a wide-ranging program to empower women across Tanzania's economy to access financing, attain leadership positions in the private sector, and launch or grow businesses.


IFC and Central Bank of Madagascar Partner to Strengthen Credit Reporting, Financial Inclusion

IFC and the Central Bank of Madagascar today announced a partnership to strengthen the country's public credit registry to improve credit reporting and increase access to finance for individuals and small businesses.


IFC to Help Boost Access to Finance for Smaller Businesses, Women Entrepreneurs in Moldova

The IFC funding to Moldova's leading commercial bank and lender will support the bank's on-lending to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), a key pillar of the Moldovan economy.


IFC launches Sourcing2Equal Colombia Program to Promote Businesses Between Women Owned/Led SMEs Suppliers and 15 Corporate Buyers

+ Sourcing2Equal Colombia brings together 15 corporate buyers operating in Colombia to make specific and measurable commitments to increase access to corporate procurement opportunities for women-owned small and medium enterprises.


Commercial Bank of Ceylon Launches a Digital Marketplace to Help Sri Lanka’s Small Businesses

The International Finance Corporation is supporting the Commercial Bank of Ceylon to launch a digital marketplace in Sri Lanka, which will help business owners connect with more customers locally and abroad.


IFC Partners With Saigon-Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank to Boost Lending for Vietnam’s Smaller Businesses

IFC is providing a $40 million loan to Saigon-Hanoi Commercial Joint Stock Bank to enable the bank to provide support to local small and medium enterprises, especially women-owned businesses.


IFC and Itaú Partner in a Gender Bond to Support Women Entrepreneurship in Brazil

The project represents the first gender bond issued by a private bank in Brazil in the form of Letras Financeiras (LFs), an exclusive debt security instrument for local financial institutions.


IFC Grants Financing to Arrendamás for $1,000 Million Pesos to Boost SMEs in Mexico

The IFC financing will be aimed at supporting the growth plan of Arrendamás, focusing on increasing both the placement of products, as well as the diversification and quality of its credit portfolio.