Maeen Ahmed Alarassi , Yemen, Yemen
07 November 2020

Yemen has been taken many steps to face the pandemic of COVID 2019 especially with mobile money services. These steps was taken by Central Bank of Yemen with following steps :
1. CBY has issued a new regulations for introducing mobile money services by fintech companies. This regulation has issued by the governor of the bank NO. 01/2020 .
The regulation has allowed for fintech to introduce mobile money services with bank. the regulation has determined the requirements which have Fintech and banks should provide it to get the license for introducing the services of mobile money to public .
2. In meantime, central bank of Yemen with his responsibility to Face the pandemic of COVID 19 , it has given the permission for six companies which are specialized in mobile money services by issuing six license for them .
3. CBY has encouraged many banks to make a partnership with fintech companies for introducing the services of mobile money .
4. currently , Central bank of Yemen has preparing to create a united plan which has targeted the Yemeni citizens and the community . this plan will be implemented by Yemeni Financial sectors like :Banks, Yemen Microfinance Network, Mobile money companies . Telecoms companies .
5. CBY has trying to make the digital services are the substitute to be used especially with cashing the salaries for employee.
6. CBY has issued the license for Yemen National Switch to introduce it's digital services for public . The national switch will be ready to introduce many digital services by corporation with many local banks such following:
#TRF from bank account to bank account
# TRF from Cash account to bank account
#TRF from E-wallets account to bank account
#TRF from bank account to E-Wallets account
7. Yemen has the suitable infrastructure to be one of famous countries in mobile money services like Ethiopia, Somalian , Africa but it still has many problems, issues should be face it like: Political situation , the weakness of culture between the community about the digital services like mobile money services and lack of cash liquidity .