
Progress in Responsible Financial Inclusion: Global Mapping Report and Selected Case Studies

Evaluating the developments in responsible financial inclusion
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This report updates information on the global responsible finance initiatives. It also builds on previous stocktaking reports to take a deeper look at implementation of responsible finance principles across the three pillars, highlighting emerging trends in consumer protection regulation, financial institutions self-regulation, and client financial education.On the basis of responses to the global mapping survey, the report discusses several case studies on responsible finance in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and specifically on countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Philippines. With the Responsible Finance Forums focus being microinsurance in 2013, the report also discusses microinsurance as an emerging focus and on consumer protection regulation and financial institutions self-regulation with respect to microinsurance. In closing, it discusses on the positioning of investors in responsible market building, how financial capability is gaining ground in new places, and on building capacity across the pillars of responsible finance.