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BRAC Social Innovation Lab Failure Report 2022-2023

The goal of the BRAC Failure Reports is to highlight that even organizations as large as BRAC run into failure from time to time. This year's report covers four stories of failure and learning.


Financial Diaries: Financial Health of Low and Medium-Income Households During COVID-19 Pandemic

In order to understand how low and moderate income people were doing during the COVID-19 pandemic, BRAC Microfinance conducted financial diaries research with 273 households from different earning categories.


Report on Emergency Cash Transfer Through Digital Wallets During COVID-19 Pandemic

Survey findings on the financial behaviors of low-income people in Bangladesh during the pandemic

Guide / Toolkit

PROPEL Toolkit: An Implementation Guide to the Ultra-Poor Graduation Approach

Tools, forms and formats from BRAC's experience with Graduation programs
Case Study

Impact Assessment of Credit Programme for the Tenant Farmers

Analyzing the relationship between interventions and outcomes of BRAC’s program for tenant farmers

Tackling Ultra-Poverty through the Graduation Approach

Situating Sustainable Livelihoods in the Landscape of Social Protection and Safety Nets

An End in Sight for Ultra-poverty: Scaling Up BRAC’s Graduation Model for the Poorest

Discussing BRAC’s methodology to end extreme poverty

Asset Transfer Programme for the Ultra Poor: A Randomized Control Trial Evaluation

Identifying ways of shifting poor individuals into higher return economic activities

Graduating Out of Extreme Poverty: Who Succeeds?

Identifying factors that help microfinance clients graduate out of poverty