Displaying 21 - 30 of 42

Leveraging Remittances with Microfinance: Timor Leste Country Report

Impact of remittances on livelihoods of the poor in Timor Leste

Energy Lending: Microfinance and Access to Modern, Alternative Energies

Innovative financing mechanisms in energy lending programs

Policy and Regulatory Framework for Remittance - Fiji

Assesses remittances regulatory framework in Fiji and suggests mechanisms to make it more efficient

Policy and Regulatory Framework for Remittance - Samoa

Assesses the remittances regulatory framework in Samoa and mechanisms to make it more efficient

Policy and Regulatory Framework for Remittance - Indonesia

Assesses remittances regulatory framework in Indonesia and mechanisms to make it more efficient

Policy and Regulatory Framework for Remittance - Philippines

Assesses remittances regulatory framework in Philippines and mechanisms to make it more efficient

Policy and Regulatory Framework for Remittance - Sri Lanka

What ails the remittance market in Sri Lanka?

Capacity Building for Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Reconstruction

Maintaining effectiveness of MFIs in times of disaster

Banking the Unbanked: Technology's Role in Delivering Accessible Financial Services to the Poor

Is technology required for increasing the outreach of microfinance?