Displaying 1 - 10 of 13

Gender Role and Individual Modernity: An Exploratory Study in Microfinance and Gender Role Transformation

Discussing the impact of microfinance on individual modernity of women clients

Access to Credit and Productivity of Enterprises in Bangladesh: Is there Causality?

Evaluating the impact of credit accessibility on productivity of enterprise

Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions in Bangladesh

Examining Bangladeshi MFIs for their operating costs and performance

The Pattern and Determinants of Poverty in Rural Bangladesh: 2000-2010

Understanding the dynamics of poverty and factors responsible for it

Does Access to Finance Matter in Microenterprise Growth? Evidence from Bangladesh

Understanding the sources and potential of microenterprise growth in Bangladesh

Microfinance Growth and Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh: What Does the Longitudinal Data Say?

Investigating the impact of microcredit programs on household income and poverty

Impact of Microcredit on Agricultural Farm Performance and Food Security in Bangladesh

Examining microcredit as a crucial factor for sustainable development of the agricultural sector

Microfinance in SAARC Countries: Overview Report

Increasing outreach of microfinance programs in South Asia

Diversion of Loan Use: Who Diverts and Why?

Measuring loan diversion and examining its causes

Microfinance in SAARC Region: Review of Microfinance Sector of Bangladesh

Reviewing trends and evolution of microfinance