Displaying 21 - 30 of 50

Group-based Financial Institutions for the Rural Poor in Bangladesh: An Institutional- and Household-Level Analysis

Do NGOs target their services in underdeveloped regions or do they locate in better endowed areas?

Empowering Women to Achieve Food Security Microfinance

Analyzing impact of microfinance on women's empowerment

Distribution, Growth, and Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

Analyzing the distribution, growth, and performance of MFIs supported by donor organizations
Guide / Toolkit

An Operational Tool for Evaluating Poverty Outreach of Development Policies and Projects

Examining tool that offers an objective and effective method for poverty evaluation

Access to Credit and Its Impact on Welfare in Malawi 2001, Other USAID Supported Study

Do households who participate in credit programmes improve their living conditions?
Guide / Toolkit

Assessing the Relative Poverty Level in Clients of Microfinance Institutions: An Operational Tool

Looking at the effectiveness of a poverty assessment tool

Design and Sustainability Issues of Rural Credit and Savings Programs: Findings From Malawi

Joint liability group lending ? conclusions fro a study in Malawi

Informal Markets: What Lessons Can We Learn From Them?

Examining lessons that informal financial institutions provide in reaching the poor

Rural Financial Services for Poverty Alleviation: The Role of Public Policy

Examining the role of public policy in promoting rural financial services
Case Study

Do Microfinance Institutions Reach the Poorest?

Studying the poverty outreach of four selected MFIs