Displaying 1 - 10 of 27

Data Standards for Connecting to Commercial Sources of Capital

Calling for standardized reporting from microfinance institutions

Environmental Protection and Microenterprise Development in the Developing World: A Model Based on the Latin American Experience

How can micro-enterprises become environmentally friendly?

Self-Help Groups as Financial Institutions: Policy Implications Using a Financial Model

Which policy parameters influence the Self-help Group performance?

Microfinance for Housing: The Mexican Case

Can microfinance institutions address the need for housing improvement loans?

Problems? What Problems? We Have None at All: Qualitative Data Collection for Impact Assessment

How to conduct interviews for the impact assessment of microcredit programs?

Savings and Credit for U.S. Micro-enterprises: Individual Development Accounts and Loans for Microenterprise

How does integration of Individual Development Accounts and microenterprise development help?

A Symposium on Savings-Led Microfinance and the Rural Poor

How to Increase the outreach of microfinance programs?

Unfinished Business: The Need for More Effective Microfinance Exit Monitoring

Exit monitoring: Is it really needed?

Community Savings Funds - Providing Access to Basic Financial Services in Marginalized Rural Areas of Mexico

What benefits does the marginalized community derive from the Community Savings Funds?

The New Microfinance: An Essay on the Self-Help Group Movement in India

Is the Self Help Group-Bank linkage program superior to the traditional microfinance models?