Displaying 21 - 30 of 34

Using Microinsurance and Financial Education to Protect and Accumulate Assets

Protecting the assets of the poor through microinsurance

Client Satisfaction with Health Insurance in Uganda

Highlighting the client perspective on microinsurance

Microinsurance: Exploring Ways to Assess Its Impact

Measuring social performance of microinsurance
Guide / Toolkit

Attracting the Unbanked: Preliminary Guidelines for Maximizing Existing Infrastructure through Serving Untapped Markets

Guidelines for MFIs to identify unbanked clients and develop strategies to improve outreach

The Demand for Microinsurance in Pakistan

Findings and recommendations for the microinsurance product development process

Market Research for Financial Education (Working Paper #2)

How does market research help in defining the goals of financial education?

Listening to Clients: How to Better Serve Your Customers

How can MFIs use market research tools to better understand their clients?

Microsavings Programs: Assessing Demand and Impact – A Critical Review of the Literature

A review of the empirical studies focused on savings products and services for the poor.

Demand for Microinsurance by the Poor

Presented at the Regional Symposium on Microinsurance Tbilisi, Georgia, June 2005
Guide / Toolkit

Assessing the Outcomes of Financial Education (Working Paper #3)

How to assess the outcomes and impacts of financial education programs?