Displaying 1 - 10 of 45
Religiosity and Threshold Effect in Social and Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions: System GMM and Non-linear Threshold Approaches
Understanding the link between social beliefs and MFIs' financial and social performance
Financial Performance and Corporate Governance in Microfinance: Who Drives Who? An Evidence From Asia
Examining the relation between corporate governance mechanisms and financial stability in MFIs
Sequential Lending with Dynamic Joint Liability in Microfinance
Highlighting the advantages of using a sequential lending approach in microfinance
Addiction to Microcredit: An Obstacle to Social and Financial Mobility
Reviewing the impact of microfinance on the financial mobility of clients
Microfinance Around the World – Regional SWOT Analysis
Comparing the microfinance sector in developing regions around the world
Does Access to Microfinance Affect Consumption Inequality? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Andhra Pradesh, India
Assessing the success of microcredit in enabling clients to smooth consumption
The Impact of Public Spending on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions
Examining the impact of public expenditures and governments’ debt on the microfinance sector
Enhancing the Enforceability of Islamic Microfinance Contracts in OIC Countries
Mapping best practices and policies to improve the performance of Islamic microlending programs
Macroeconomic Factors Influencing Interest Rates of Microfinance Institutions In Latin America
Examining the influence of macroeconomic factors on the microfinance market
Subsidizing Remittances for Education: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador
Evaluating the effects of donor funds for education on migrant remittances