Displaying 1 - 10 of 20

A Study about the Impact of Nutrition Education and Awareness of Food Safety among Women SHG Members

Assessing food safety practices of SHG women involved in food processing trade

Microfinance and Self-Help Finance System to Reduce Poverty from Pakistan: An IT-Based Solution

Paper presented at "National Conference on Community Development," March 10, 2010, Karachi, Pakistan
Case Study

Innovative Approaches to Developmental Microfinance in India

Addressing constraints to microfinance growth

Are Women Self Help Group Members Economically More Empowered in Left-Run Municipalities?

Measuring economic empowerment attained by SHG members

Microcredit in Advanced Economies as a "Third Way”: A Theoretical Reflection

Investigating role of microcredit in developed economies

Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Financial Crisis

Analyzing resilience of microfinance system to global economic events

Microfinance and Inequality

Focusing on the equalizing effect of microfinance

Dynamics of Market Share in the Microfinance Industry in Bangladesh

Analyzing competition in the microfinance industry