Displaying 1 - 10 of 16
Universal Basic Income: Short-Term Results From a Long-Term Experiment in Kenya
This study examines the the consequences of universal basic income in the context of a unique field experiment in rural Kenya.
Mobile Money, Interoperability, and Financial Inclusion
This paper investigates the role of competition on the behavior of mobile money companies and its corresponding effects on financial inclusion.
Consumer Protection for Financial Inclusion in Low and Middle Income Countries
Bridging regulator and academic perspectives
Research and Impacts of Digital Financial Services
Paving the way towards a new generation of products, policies, and strategies for financial services
Self-Selection into Credit Markets: Evidence from Agriculture in Mali
Evaluating the effects of capital constraints on farmers in Mali
Financial Education and Access to Savings Accounts: Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from Ugandan Youth Clubs
Assessing the relationship between financial education and access to savings accounts
Estimating the Impact of Microcredit on Those Who Take It Up: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Morocco
How has the introduction of microcredit impacted households in rural areas of Morocco?
Payments Infrastructure and the Performance of Public Programs: Evidence from Biometric Smartcards in India
Assessing the impact of using biometric smartcards on welfare programs
A Personal Touch: Text Messaging for Loan Repayment
Do text message reminders induce timelier loan repayment?
Mobile Money: The Economics of M-PESA
Facilitating financial transactions through mobile phones