Displaying 21 - 30 of 72

Microfinance Institutions: Overcoming the Obstacles

How can MFIs minimize common problems through innovation and cooperation?

Savings as Forward Payments: Innovations on Mobile Money Platforms

Presenting a framework for managing cashflows and savings from a single account

From Social Rating to Seal of Excellence: Utility or Futility?

Examining the utility of social rating in microfinance

Microfinance and Gender: Is there a Glass Ceiling in Loan Size?

Examining gender discrimination in the lending sector

The Elasticity of Demand for Microcredit

Designing appropriate MFI financial products and policy

Do Institutions Matter for Microfinance Profitability? Evidence from Africa

Examining the impact of the institutional environment on MFI profitability

Co-creation for Impact Investment in Microfinance

Can venture capital firms create a multipronged attack on poverty while maintaining a profit motive?

Does Microfinance Help the Ultrapoor Cope with Seasonal Shocks? Evidence from Seasonal Famine (Monga) in Bangladesh

Analyzing the role of microfinance in coping with seasonal shocks

Attempting the Production of Public Goods through Microfinance: The Case of Water and Sanitation

Paper from “Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomic Management: Reflections on the World in Turmoil”