Displaying 31 - 40 of 72

Does Microfinance Cause or Reduce Suicides? Policy Recommendations for Reducing Borrower Stress

Exploring impact of microfinance on suicides

Investment in Microfinance Equity: Risk, Return, and Diversification Benefits

Assessing the impact of microfinance equity on globally-diversified portfolios

Do Microloan Officers Want to Lend to the Less Advantaged? Evidence from a Choice Experiment

Determining the type of clients preferred for microloan allocation

Branchless and Mobile Banking Solutions for the Poor: A Survey

Reviewing the literature on branchless and mobile banking for the poor
Case Study

Are Profitable Microfinance Programs Less Efficient at Reaching the Poor? A Case Study in Cambodia

Exploring the relationship between financial efficiency and social efficiency of Cambodian MFIs

Credit Officers and Loan Granting in Microfinance: Brazilian Evidence

Assessing role of credit officers in microloan granting decisions

Banking the Poor through Everyday Stores

Leveraging technology to deliver basic financial services to the poor

Microsavings and Market Saturation: The Evolution of Diversity in Saving Products

Understanding savings behavior and saving products development

Reparations, Microfinance, Gender: A Plan, with Strategies for Implementation

Using microfinance as a mode of delivery for reparations