Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Microfinance and Household Poverty Reduction: New Evidence from India
Estimating the welfare effects of MFI loans for productive purposes
Sensitivity of Loan Size to Lending Rates: Evidence from Ghana's Microfinance Sector
Testing elasticity of loan size to change in interest rates
Targeting the Poor versus Financial Sustainability and External Funding: Evidence of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana
Analyzing potential trade-off between financial sustainability and outreach
Vulnerability and Poverty in Bangladesh
Understanding the dynamics of poverty
Does Microfinance Reduce Poverty in India?
Analyzing impact of MFI access on household poverty
Financial Crisis in Asia and the Pacific Region: Its Genesis, Severity and Impact on Poverty and Hunger
Understanding implications of the financial crisis on poverty reduction
Millennium Development Goal of Halving Poverty in Asia and the Pacific Region: Progress, Prospects and Priorities
Have Millennium Development Goals of poverty reduction borne results in Asia?
The Regulation of Microfinance Institutions: A Zambian Case Study
Analyzing impact of regulation on the Zambian microfinance sector