Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
The Role of Microfinance in Household Livelihood Adaptation in Satkhira District, Southwest Bangladesh
How microfinance can help the poor adapt to climate change
Pathways Out of and Into Poverty in 36 Villages of Andhra Pradesh, India
A search for the most effective methods to measure poverty
Gender Norms in Financial Markets: Evidence from Kenya
An analytical approach to examining gender influence on the demand and access to financial services
Imperfect Substitutes: The Local Political Economy of Informal Finance and Microfinance in Rural China and India
Understanding reasons for continued existence of informal finance
Microfinance in Times of Crisis: The Effects of Competition, Rising Indebtedness, and Economic Crisis on Repayment Behavior
Why do clients make late repayments?
Improving Design and Performance of Group Lending: Suggestions from Burkina Faso
What steps should MFIs take to expand outreach at the least cost?
Microequity and Microfinance
Can microequity finance be preferable to microcredit programmes?
Integration of an Essential Services Package (ESP) in Child and Reproductive Health and family planning with a Micro-credit Program for Poor Women: Experience from a Pilot Project in Rural Bangladesh
Integrating micro-credit with health interventions in rural Bangladesh
Micro-credit and Emotional Well-being: Experience of Poor Rural Women from Matlab, Bangladesh
Does microcredit cause more stress amongst rural poor women in Bangladesh?
Microcredit and the Poorest of the Poor: Theory and Evidence from Bolivia
What determines the depth of outreach?