Displaying 1 - 10 of 24

Microcredit and Poverty Alleviation: Can Microcredit Close the Deal?

Understanding the relationship between microcredit and household’s' graduation out of poverty

The Financial Deepening-Productivity Nexus in China: 1987-2001

Does the deepening of the financial sector in China explain the growth in regional productivity?

Gender, HIV/AIDS and Rural Livelihoods: Micro-Level Investigations in Three African Countries

Mitigating HIV/AIDS impact at household level

Finance and Poverty in Ethiopia: A Household Level Analysis

Does access to credit significantly reduce absolute poverty?

Credit Co-operatives in Locally Financed Economic Development - Using Energy Efficiency as a Lever

Examining the comparative advantages of credit co-operatives in mobilizing local economies

Development Assistance and Development Finance: Evidence and Global Policy Agendas

Impact of aid on growth and poverty reduction

Extending Formal Insurance to the Informal Economy Workers in India

Microinsurance as one of the strategies of extending protection to low-income people