
Microfinance Barometer 2015

Financial inclusion 3.0. What's at stake for digital finance?
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Paris, 30 July 2015 – For the 6th consecutive year, Convergences has published the Microfinance Barometer, in partnership with Fédération nationale des Caisses d’Epargne, The MasterCard Foundation, Caisse des Dépôts, the European Microfinance Platform (e-MFP) and Oikocredit. This annual publication contains up-to-date figures at world level and in France, analyses the major trends of the sector and takes a look at the new opportunities of microfinance in the countries of the global North and South.
This latest edition of the Barometer contains a special report on “Financial Inclusion 3.0: what’s at stake for digital finance?” High-level researchers and professionals analyse the mutations that digital finance is causing in the microfinance sector and in financial inclusion, both for financial institutions and for beneficiaries. Exclusive data and figures also highlight the major trends of the sector worldwide and in France.

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