Case Study

Using Palm Pilots to Manage Loans: ADOPEM Raises Efficiency with Handheld Technology (Innovation Brief)

Importance of handheld technologies for MFIs
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This paper discusses the experiences of ADOPEM with handheld technology, explaining the process of creation of its Palm Pilot software. The paper also highlights Women World Bank's intervention by contracting MFI solutions to develop Palm Pilot software for ADOPEM. Reporting the innovations done by MFI solutions and ADOPEM in designing the Palm Pilot software, the paper explains that teamwork ensured a strong final product, well integrated with:

  • Existing data systems;
  • Daily activities of the credit staff;
  • Needs of the credit staff.

The paper presents the challenges and opportunities and explains that challenges emerged because, some areas had redundancy. It also provides additional uses of the technology, including:

  • Credit scoring;
  • Recording receipt of payment.

The paper highlights the importance of handheld technology for microfinance institutions (MFIs) as it would

  • Streamline lending processes;
  • Reduce chances for human error, ensuring increased accuracy of data;
  • Speed up the processes, enabling the MFIs to face increasing competition.

The paper describes the following future plans of ADOPEM to improve palm technology:

  • Adding mobile technology for immediate transfer of loan applications for quick approval;
  • Introducing credit scoring for approval of repeat and new loans;
  • Improving calendar features to help loan officer in time management.

The paper concludes by stating that the Palm pilot technology had a positive impact on ADOPEM's performance.

About this Publication

By Dellien, H., Watson, Y., Lynch, E.