Guide / Toolkit

Promoting Pro-Poor Growth: Policy Guidelines for Donors

How can donor support facilitate pro-poor growth?
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This policy statement discusses how donors can help reduce economic poverty by supporting pro-poor growth. The 2001 Development Assistance Committee Guidelines on Poverty Reduction show that poverty has multiple and interlinked causes and dimensions. The document suggests that policies for pro-poor growth need to interact with other policy areas in order to make sustainable inroads into poverty reduction. It states that:

  • Rapid and sustained poverty reduction requires pro-poor growth;
  • Policies need to promote a pace and pattern of economic growth that is ideal for long-term growth and sustained poverty reduction;
  • Policies that tackle multiple dimensions of poverty are mutually reinforcing;
  • Empowering the poor is essential for introducing policies and investments that promote pro-poor growth and address multiple dimensions of poverty;
  • Government and its policy making processes must be open, transparent and accountable in order to empower the poor.

Donors must remember that the poor are not a homogenous group, country contexts vary considerably and policy implementation must be based on a sound understanding of poor peoples livelihoods. Policy choices for pro-poor growth should be guided by assessments of their expected impact on poor peoples income and assets.

About this Publication

By Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD-DAC)