
Rural Finance (Policy Series 1)

How to make financial services more accessible to the rural poor?
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This paper explores issues and experiences in rural finance. It focuses on its potential to alleviate poverty in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

It states that:

  • Women are poorly served by existing services in the rural financial markets;
  • The poor are often more concerned with livelihood protection and maintaining minimal standards of living;
  • Fragile and high-risk livelihoods require insurance or insurance substitutes, and for this reason the poor may prefer savings over investment.

The paper concludes that:

  • Improvements to financial services, both formal and informal, must be tailored to the needs of the poor;
  • Banks should help mobilize the savings of the poor by removing restrictions on withdrawals from savings accounts, and simplifying lending operations and procedures;
  • Credit access programs should aim to increase women's access to credit within the formal sector;
  • Attention must be given to the limitations of the poor in making savings and using credit in productive ways.

About this Publication

By Goodland, A., Onumah, G., Amadi, J., Griffith, G.