Sanabel Conference 2020 - Postponed
In view of the emergency resulting from the spread of the emerging corona virus (Covid 19), and the announcement by the Director-General of the World Health Organization that the emerging corona virus is a public health emergency of international concern, Sanabel’s Board of Directors has decided to postpone the annual regional conference that was scheduled on 10 -11 March 2020 in Hurghada, Egypt.
According to Nancy Samy, Sanabel’s Executive Director, " It was such a hard decision after all the preparations and reservations were made, but as the safety of all participants is our first priority, and going back home safely, with no obstacles or prospected cancellations by the aviation companies, the decision was made to postpone."
She added that the network will provide the conference registered participants with more information regarding the cancellation of reservations and other organizational matters.
Sanabel will announce the new dates for its annual conference as soon as it is determined when things stabilize and the global state of health emergency is lifted.