Women's World Banking Launches Women in Inclusive Tech Regulation Program
Women's World Banking is thrilled to announce the new Women in Inclusive Tech Regulation Program. Join a multi-week program starting August 2024 to empower future policymakers with cutting-edge tech knowledge and strategies to close the gender gap in financial inclusion. Delivered by experts from Women's World Banking, AIR - Alliance for Innovative Regulation, NYU, and UPenn, the program features online classes, team projects, advisory sessions, and in-person learning. Participants will gain insights into tech trends, build global connections, and receive mentorship to lead innovation in their organizations.
Beginning in August 2024 and ending in October 2024, participants come together for interactive online classes, team assignments, advisory sessions and two dynamic days of in-person learning. Participants will learn from expert speakers and be exposed to the latest thinking and strategies to understand and utilize technology trends to ensure an inclusive digital financial future. Along the way, participants will build connections and exchange ideas with peers from across the globe.
Women already occupying a leadership role and looking to take the next step into the most senior levels of their organization, or working in regulation and looking to move into technology are encouraged to apply.