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Remittances Provide Temporary Cushion to Nepal’s Troubled Economy

At a time when the world economy was hard hit by the ongoing pandemic, improvement in Nepal’s remittances inflow has made it easier for the government to operate.


Defying Predictions, Nepal’s Remittances Still High

Despite dire predictions about a drastic drop in remittances that Nepal gets from its workers abroad due to the COVID-19 induced economic downturn, money transfers have remained steady. 


Supporting Nepal’s Migrants, as Overseas Work Dries Up

Since the economic slowdown resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, work for many of them has dried up. The UN is supporting efforts to manage the large-scale influx of returnee workers.


Nepal: Strategies for Post-COVID-19 Recovery Amidst Falling Remittances

Nepal, where remittance contribution to GDP in 2019 was equivalent to 27.3 percent, according to the World Bank, has lost nearly 50 percent of remittances in the past two months compared to the same period last year.


Nepal’s Remittance-Dependent Economy Braces for Upheaval Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

The government’s decision to stop issuing permits to migrant workers will have significant consequences for the country, where economic activities are driven by remittances, experts say.